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Great Plains Partner Newsflash: Dynamics Gp Large Scale Ongoing Integration


Microsoft Dynamics GP or former Great Plains Dynamics and enterprise should be a good fit for a large organization, where you may need in high volume EDI integration to Great Plains from your Electronic Document Interchange order placement channel for windows 10 activation can be downloaded here kmspico.

If you have a robust internal IT team with Microsoft Visual Studio.Net C# or VB programmers with good SQL scripting background, you can decide to program integration in Dynamics GP eConnect SDK. In this small publication we are describing a bulletproof method of deploying Dynamics GP Integration Manager module:

1.    Integration Source. In simple ad-hoc integrations, you typically work with tab or comma delimited text files. In the case of large volume integration you usually have to deploy more advanced ODBC compliant connection. In Dynamics GP Integration Manager this is Advanced ODBC. Please, follow these steps: create new integration, name it and right click on Sources, add source, select Advanced ODBC and Define New Advanced ODBC, select ODBC Data Source (this is what you have already defined in your computer registry, Oracle Sales, for example, to get connected to your Oracle Custom Sales Order Processing database and application), in the SQL Statement edit area type in something like this: Select * from SalesOrders. In this case, we assume that SalesOrders is either an Oracle table or Oracle View. With Advanced ODBC Dynamics GP data source you can do pretty much what SQL is about: union, group by, sum, where, join, you name it. We recommend you to create SQL linked server construction in your Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or 2000, where you create a heterogeneous query to Oracle, MySQL, Ingress, DB2 database and enjoy the flexibility of Microsoft SQL Server Stored Procedure

2.    Integration Destination. Here for Dynamics GP 10.0, you have two options: Microsoft Dynamics GP and Microsoft Dynamics GP eConnnect. There is a difference between the two. Microsoft Dynamics GP is built upon OLE Server, and as such it deploys your Great Plains user workstation to push data into Dynamics GP. As you can imagine OLE server is ancient technology and it is using the whole stack of layers to get final call (on Great Plains Dexterity level). eConnect is new and cool thing (based on direct encrypted SQL stored procedures).

When you select either one of the destination adapters, then you are in normal realm of Dynamics GP modules: SOP (typically targeted in eCommerce applications), POP, GL, Payroll, etc. Please, be aware that eConnect adapter requires a company database name (in comparison to OLE adapter, where the company name is taken from your user login context)

3.    Destination Mapping. Here you can further customize integration logic by applying VBA scripts and translations. Follow this methodic: for the chosen field, change a rule to Use Script, then on the left side click on the expansion button to the script value (default No) and in Script Editor demonstrate your VBA scripting skills. For Dynamics GP VBA scripting instructions, please open Great Plains Integration Manager Guide. In IM help -> Index, the using scripts or VBScript objects. Another good advises C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics\Integration Manager 10\help\documentation and open book. Here you will have much fun on practicing VBA scripts for Dynamics GP objects as well as doing Translation for object names in IM