VN tech ticker: Strava adds personal heatmaps to mobile app, sustainable MAAP Alt_Road collection

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Strava added personal heatmaps to the mobile app this week for subscribers.

Previously, this feature was only available for web browsers in desktop view.

Toggling between personal heatmap and global heatmap should allow you to see commonly ridden routes that you’ve not yet explored.

After verifying that version 223 of the mobile app is installed, tap the Map option at the bottom of the screen, and then use the toggle for the map layers function.

Strava now lets you filter routes by surface type.

Strava also added surface type as an option for personalized stat maps.

This feature displays a visualization of the type of surface ridden on a particular route.

While you won’t be able to view surface types for previously ridden routes, it is an option going forward.

MAAP adds sustainable Alt_Road Collection

MAAP Alt_Road cycling kit. (Photo: Oliver Cousins/MAAP)

The MAAP Alt_Road collection is made from sustainable materials developed in a partnership with Miti Spa in Bergamo, Italy. Items in the collection also feature 50 percent recycled PET fiber content. MAAP partnered with Polartec and Apidura for this line of cycling apparel.

The materials offer anti-microbial and anti-odor properties, and MAAP claims they can perform in extreme conditions for multi-day rides even with repeated use.

Colors in the Alt_Road collection are earthy, and patterns are simple.

The MAAP Alt_Road collection includes a jersey ($195), a long-sleeve jersey ($215), cargo bibs ($335), a thermal jacket ($295), a thermal vest ($180), a riding teeshirt ($90), and a long-sleeve riding tee-shirt ($95). MAAP Alt_Road gloves ($90), merino socks ($30), and an Apidura frame pack ($175) are also available.